Dimensions configuration
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checkForUpdatesOnStartup: <default: false> | Set to true if you want everytime your server loads to check for addon updates and installed the new versions that are available.
searchRadius: <default: 128> | Set the distance you want for Dimensions to search for already built portals. This will be used when a player uses a portal and the plugin searches for portals already built and active.
safeSpotSearchRadius: <default: 16> | 16x16 blocks radius that Dimensions will use to search for a safe spot to build a portal.
debugLevel: <dfault: 2> | You can set the level of information that you want to see in your console about Dimensions.
enableNetherPortalEffect: <default: true> | Players will see the nether portal effect when they enter a portal.
fallbackWorld: <default: world> | Here you need to enter the name of the world you want to use as a default world. For example if your players play in the world called "survivalWorld" and they use portals to travel arround, then you need to set the default world to "survivalWorld".
configVersion: <x> | Do not change that, that is used for version contol
consumeItems: <default: true> | Toggle if you want items/buckets to not be damaged/consumed when a player tries to ignite a portal.
searchSameAxis: <default: false> | If true, it will search for already existing portals that are built along the same axis
searchSameSize: <default: false> | If true, it will search for already existing portals that are built with the same size
searchFirstClonePortal: <default: true> | If true, it will first search for same size and same axis portals, if not, it will just search using the values above
enableEntitiesTeleport: <default: false> | If true, entities will teleport (teleport delay always applies to them)
updateEveryTick: <default: 7> | This is every how many ticks portals will check for entities nearby in order to teleport them. (This does not apply to players)
You can also set the min/max world heights in the config like that: