Example Addon

The source code for the example addon can be found here

Creating the project

Create a new project and add Dimensions.jar to your build path

Creating the main class

package me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.addons.exampleaddon;

import org.bukkit.event.Listener;

import me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.addons.DimensionsAddon;
import me.xxastaspastaxx.dimensions.addons.DimensionsAddonPriority;

public class DimensionsExampleAddonMain extends DimensionsAddon implements Listener {

	public DimensionsExampleAddonMain() {
		super(addonName, addonVersion, addonDescription, addonPriority); //Replace with whatever you want

Registering listener

Now we want to register our addon as a listener when the addon is being enabled so we add onEnable

public void onEnable(Dimensions pl) {
	Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, pl);


And finally we want to listen to the CustomPortalIgniteEvent so we can summon the explosion particles. We use the EventHandler like we would in any other case.

@EventHandler(ignoreCancelled = true, priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
public void postPortalIgnite(CustomPortalIgniteEvent e) {
		//We check if the entity is a player, if its not we skip
		//If the player does not have permission, we also skip
		if (!(e.getEntity() instanceof Player) || !e.getEntity().hasPermission("dimensions.exampleaddon.explosion")) return;
		//Everything looks fine so we summon the explosion
		CompletePortal complete = e.getCompletePortal(); //We get the complete portal
		Location location = complete.getCenter(); //We get the center of the portal
		//We summon the particles
		location.getWorld().spawnParticle(Particle.EXPLOSION_NORMAL, location, 5);

Finishing up

Now that we are done with coding, we have to let Dimensions know about our addon otherwise its not going to load it.

You need to create a few folders and files inside our src folder.


Inside the services folder we need to create a new file named:


Finally, inside the file, enter the path to your main class as you would with plugin.yml

for example in this case it would be


This last part is required by ServiceLoader in order to load the addons properly


Now you can put the addon you made inside ./plugins/Dimensions/Addons/ and restart your server.

Last updated